3 Reasons to Embrace Behind-the-Scenes Photography in Your Creative Business

I could open this blog post by talking about creative entrepreneurship, crafting a brand and authentically engaging your audience.

But I’m not sure anyone actually speaks like that in the real world.

You understand that connecting with your audience or potential clients is key to bringing in new students or selling your creations, productions or events.

You know that consistency in how you show up helps build that trust and connection.

But creating a strategy? Sitting down and plotting out the how, the why and the where you’re going to show up for your business? Well, that just keeps slipping down the list of #allthethings on your list to sort out.

You know what’s coming.

I’m here to suggest that photography - specifically candid, behind-the-scenes photography- can work wonders for your brand, whether you think you have one or not. Here are three reasons why I think you should embrace it:


#1 Authenticity: Let Your Audience Connect with the Real You

Behind-the-scenes photography allows you to showcase the authentic side of your creative business. In a world where polished and curated images dominate social media, providing a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes moments adds a touch of genuineness that resonates with your audience. By sharing candid shots of your workspace, creative process, or team interactions, you invite your audience into your world, creating a sense of connection and trust. Authenticity builds relationships, and behind-the-scenes photography is a powerful tool to achieve just that.


LS Music rehearsal

Backstage and rehearsal behind-the-scenes photos are some of my favourites to shoot because you never know what’s going to happen.


#2: Storytelling - Captivate Your Audience

Every creative business has a unique story to tell, and behind-the-scenes photography allows you to bring that story to life. These candid shots give you the opportunity to showcase the journey behind your creations, productions, or events. Whether it's capturing the moment of inspiration, documenting the process of bringing an idea to fruition, or showcasing the excitement of a live event, behind-the-scenes photography adds depth and narrative to your brand. By sharing these stories, you engage your audience on a deeper level, leaving a lasting impression and making your creative business more memorable.

A man in a checked shirts stands in a field holding two hand-painted signs with directions to a funfair and a classic car show

Setting up at the Kent Food Fest, Weald

It’s not all about the big event. Festivals, fairs and community events are held together by volunteers and it’s a joy to photograph them at work.


#3: Branding - Reinforce Your Unique Identity

Your business deserves a strong and memorable brand. Behind-the-scenes photography helps you achieve just that. By incorporating your brand elements, such as colours or distinctive settings, into your candid shots, you reinforce your unique identity. Consistency is key in branding, and behind-the-scenes photography provides an opportunity to consistently showcase your brand aesthetics and values. When your audience sees these behind-the-scenes glimpses, they immediately recognize your brand, strengthening brand recall and loyalty. And if all this seems a little overwhelming, I am here to guide you through the process. Just like your business or event, each shoot is unique and has its own set of goals and ambitions.


In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hamster wheel of social media and think it’s the be-all and end-all of marketing our services or events. And while there’s no denying it can be a really useful marketing platform, there’s also a place for using photography in its original form; to capture a moment in time. You don’t have to hire someone to tell your story for a reason. You can hire a photographer just because you want something documented.

But if you do want to find a more unusual way to engage your audience and build your brand, behind-the-scenes photography offers a simple yet powerful solution. By embracing authenticity, storytelling, and branding through candid shots, you can create a deeper connection with your audience, captivate them with storytelling, and reinforce your unique identity.

So, you can either pick up your camera and start documenting those behind-the-scenes moments. Or get in touch with me. Either way, your creative business will thank you for it!


The Behind-The-Scenes I’d Sell An Organ To Shoot*