Documentary-style branding photography that shows what you do and how you do it

  • On set

  • In the shop

  • On a shoot


An end to the ‘What do I post on socials?’ dilemma

A bank of original photos of you doing your thing

Connecting with your ideal people by showing them your behind-the-scenes


Hi, I’m Catherine

I’m the person behind Backlot Photography and I love helping people bring the behind-the-scenes of their work to the forefront of their marketing.

I spent over 25 years working in broadcasting and know all about the unseen work that goes on to create something that looks effortless to your audience.

If you’d like to learn more about working with me, book a free no obligation call using the button below.

How it works

Every shoot is unique.

I work with you beforehand to plan exactly what you need from our time together. It doesn’t matter if you’re fresh on the scene or an established business, I will help you unravel what you want to achieve with a deep dive into your brand and how you want to show up online and offline.

And while the result is a newly minted collection of images, there’s also the sense of smug satisfaction that comes with knowing that your website, socials and print will reflect you and what you do without a selfie in sight.

To kick things off please book a call or email me directly at

This is me at work! The perks of working for other photographers! Photo by Nadia Lavelle Photography

What working together looks like

  • a detailed planning session before the shoot, either in-person or online

  • a workbook to help you get clear on your brand and what you want to achieve from your shoot

  • a bespoke brand shoot to capture new images to use on your website, social media or offline marketing

  • new, on-brand photos showing you and your brilliant business that you can’t wait to share

  • A review from Zoe Channon: I love the pictures of the the studio, you've managed to capture everything I love about it! Thank you!
  • A review from Nadia Lavelle Photography: Thank you Catherine. It was a pleasure to have you there as part of the whole experience. You did an amazing job.