Five reasons to show behind-the-scenes of your business on your website or socials

You may have noticed that I specialise in behind-the-scenes (or BTS) photography. That’s because it’s something I find really fascinating. But if you struggle to see why it’s so interesting, or even relevant to your business, here are five key reasons to showcase your behind-the-scenes on your website or your social media channels:

1: Building Trust and Authenticity

Ever heard the phrase, people buy from people? Or the one about the ‘know, like and trust’ factor? Sharing behind-the-scenes content demonstrates transparency and authenticity, and allows your audience to see the real people and processes behind your business. This transparency can help build trust with your customers, as they get a glimpse into the effort you put into your products or services.

Three spray cans of line marking paint and a bunch of cables on the main stage of the Kent Food Festival the day before the event

The main stage getting ready for the big day ay the Kent Food Fest

2: It’s Specific To You and You Alone

Stock photography is great when you’re starting out or need to get something online in a hurry, but people catch on very quickly and it’s kind of off-putting seeing the same images on numerous sites. You’ll appear more original - and more serious - investing in your own images. Which leads into…

3: Engaging and Connecting with Customers

Behind-the-scenes content can provide your customers with a unique perspective on what you do, along with a sense of exclusivity. It allows them to feel like insiders, fostering a stronger connection between your brand or event and your audience. By showing the human side of your business, you can create emotional connections and increase customer engagement

Show your customers a view they don’t usually get to see

4: Demonstrate Your Value

Don’t be shy in demonstrating your expertise and highlighting the value you provide. Just because you know how to do something doesn’t mean that your audience does. By sharing insights into your processes you can position yourself as the expert in your field. Demonstrating your expertise can help establish your credibility and differentiate your business from competitors, particularly if you’re in a crowded market or offer a premium service.

5: Storytelling and Branding

Behind-the-scenes photography provides an opportunity to tell stories about your brand, products, or services. By showcasing the journey, challenges, and successes you experience behind closed doors, you can create a narrative that resonates with your audience. Storytelling is a powerful tool for building emotional connections, driving engagement, and making your brand stand out.

How you showcase behind-the-scenes content depends on your specific industry, target audience, and brand positioning. It's important to work out your goals before undertaking a shoot and to align your plans with your content and branding strategy. Would you be using the photos on your website? If so, will you need a mix of scene-setting images and close-ups of your workshop or studio, for example? If it’s for social media, are you planning a marketing campaign around a specific product, release or event? It’s essential to work through these questions with your photographer before committing to a shoot - or even capturing your own images - so you get the absolute best out of the time you invest.

If you’d like to discuss how I can shoot behind the scenes of your business, please drop me a line at or use the contact form here. Let me know in the comments if you found this helpful.


How to Prepare for Your Creative Brand Shoot

