
Hello there, and welcome to my tiny corner of the internet. Whether you found me by accident or design, I’m glad you’re here.

I’ll keep this brief as you don’t want my life story (and anyway, the super-abridged version is on the About page) but you might be wondering why Backlot Photography? I have a name, why not use that? Because I wanted to be super specific about what lights me up. The backlot is part of a movie set that to me represents behind-the-scenes, the most fascinating part of any creative process whether you make films or photographs, candles or concerts. And I can’t wait to help you to bring yours to your audience or customers.

If you’ve not already taken a look around my site, please explore and find out how I can help bring your story to life. I’ve got a long list of blog posts in the works but leave a note in the comments if there’s anything that you’d like to know about working with me and I’ll add it to the list!


Five reasons to show behind-the-scenes of your business on your website or socials